
LA taught me how to lean on poles, sit on curbs, sleep on buses, trains, in crowded terminals, flower beds… the flow is so varied, and constant, that everyone is completely depersonalized. Nobody stares at you, only that you never return the stare.… read more...

LA Heat

Dust still hangs in the air from the morning’s hunt for all sorts of small things that roll under other things. Some of them remain hidden, or lost. My eyes still busy, I find myself reading the faces of people as they drive past, their driving masks. … read more...


Forms to fill out, an acupuncturist asks about surgeries: PCL repair (harvested hamstring), appendicitis, fractured skull. Afterward, drifting through the city, I partly exist as a phenomenal element, more a flickering node that passes through the membrane in florescent pulses … read more...